Our Cape Cod trip is finally here! Can you believe it? I know, I know, you’re probably stoked that I’ll stop talking about it soon. I hope Covid doesn’t muck this up for all of us. I’ll go off. No one wants to see that happen.
Last week we closed on the back-and-forth house (thank you, Mother Mary), but that stress tipped me over the edge and my date night Friday night got all weird because the stress went into my bones, and I got sick. Physically sick. Stress, man. It lasted through Saturday when I had my book club, which was excellent, and I felt O-K during. After though, I got profoundly sick. We’re talking chills, body aches, sore skin; it was serious. On top of that, I was an emotional wreck. And! I couldn’t eat. So, you know it was bad.
I decided to go to the naturopath and then cried in front of her for a while. I was supposed to get a massage, but we made the joint decision to get some other natural treatments. So, guess what it was? Liver issues. And, I don’t drink. So, it was found to be the sauna’s fault because of too much detox. Yep. You read correctly. I guess too much of a good thing really can kill you. Or make you really, really emotional, un-hungry, and ill. Apparently, 60 minutes a day at 150 degrees isn’t a good idea. Who knew?!
I went to bed and slept from 4:30 pm to 7 am. That’s unheard of for me. Anyway, I’ve taken a week off the sauna and CrossFit to just recoup.
My Book Babe club was at my house, and it was a success even though I didn’t eat much, but when one of my fellow book babes got home, she left her purse and stuff in her car, left the car open, and she went inside to go to the bathroom, and when she returned, all the stuff was gone! And her daughter’s bike, too. Can you stand it? Who does this? I feel so bad. So, I’m making her lasagne. The cure for almost everything.
Can you believe summer’s almost over? This is the kids’ last week of camp! And Tag will get his call about his new job very soon. All great things!
Colorado Realtor®Stuff
The condo inspection objections were a bit vast, but we got through them, and all are now managed and underway. There was more on the list than expected. That happens; gotta be prepared for surprises. These clients are awesome, and I’m gonna pitch in some bucks to help them break even. I have learned from this experience and my own that small condos just don’t appreciate the way single-family homes do. So, if you’re in the market for an investment property stick to larger (at least 2 bedrooms) condos or single-family homes.
Coming up: I have three new listings in the next month, or so, so I’ll be busy as soon as I get back from vacation. The two fixer-uppers in my neck of the woods will be upcoming, too. I’ll let you guys know all about all of them as soon as I can!
When next we speak I will likely be yearning to get back to Colorado and work and the sauna but for now, I can’t wait to get to The Cape and enjoy some time with the fam. I hope you all have a great week and we’ll chat again soon!
Buyer Needs
- A vacant land lot with mature coniferous trees, 2+ acres, private, within 20 minutes (15 would be better) of civilization; $300k. Or; all of the above with a rustic mountain modern ranch home; up to $800k.
- An ultra-modern home in Solterra within walking distance to the clubhouse would be great. Up to $1.4 million-ish
- A top-of-the-line, open concept kitchen, dining family room in the Highlands Ranch area. Don’t want a mansion (under 7000 square feet) but are able to do $2 million+.
- Buyer looking in Conifer, Pine, Morrison, South Evergreen area for a nice size home (2000+ square feet) with great internet. Up to $625k.
- Buyer looking in Pine, Conifer, Morrison area for a rustic cabin fixer upper. Well, and septic is kind of a must but we will look at anything.
- An amazing small business owner in Conifer, looking for a single-family home on a good size lot. Privacy is important, willing to fix up, must have a garage, ideally two separate living areas, and would like to be in the Conifer, Bailey, Pine, Morrison area. Around the mid $400s. No HOAs.