Baseball, Showings, Stress, Repeat

Baseball, Showings, Stress, Repeat

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 05/30/24

Baseball is going strong with early rising and shining, so the fatigue is catching up with me. It’s great to get your kids involved in sports, and I completely recognize that, but man, it’s a lot sometimes. Bridger has been playing really well, though, so that’s always fun to watch. 

Tag and I are learning Italian, and it’s pretty cool. These days, apps make it easy. We’re using Duolingo. You should definitely check it out if a new language is on your horizon. I want to get some Italian down before our trip, so the pressure is on!

And It’s almost time to go to LA for my coaching event. I’ve been so busy with work and baseball that I got behind on my assignments, so I have some catching up to do between now and then. And with school out for summer, it will be a challenge. But I’m sure it’ll be fine. It will be. All is fine. I’m fine. 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I had many, many showings this week, which involved a lot of running around. To be honest, I’m a bit stressed because of the upcoming trips. I feel under the gun. I’m sure it will work out—it always does—but I’d love to get everything wrapped up before I leave. 

We did get an offer on the big house yesterday, which is fantastic, so that’s the good news (they want it accepted ASAP, though, so again, the pressure is on). The bad news is that I had someone who I just KNEW would be very interested in Tag’s grandma’s condo, and he wasn’t interested at all. He flew in from Idaho to see it, too. What a bummer. 

I want to sell it quickly so she can get the place in Evergreen she wants. As you’ve likely guessed (based on the theme of this post thus far), it’s rather stressing me out. It’s only been on the market for two days, so that’s not long; and we’re very hopeful for the weekend!

And you guys remember that developer I’ve been talking with for years now, right? Well, we’re still talking. I’m still hopeful something will work out with him; I’ll keep you posted. 

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