New Events, Showings, & Listings on the Horizon

New Events, Showings, & Listings on the Horizon

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 09/12/24

My coaching sessions are going well, and I’m getting through them. Only six left to go! I think I have all I need to complete them, and then I’ll be done with that portion of the program. I can’t believe I’ve been involved in this coaching project for almost a year. The time has completely flown by. I also applied for my visa for the trip to India. Super excited!

The kids are great. Bridger has a baseball scrimmage today. I’m eager to see how he does with the high schoolers! 

Tag and I have our race this weekend! Oh, boy. Adam has opted out because he dropped a meathook on his toe (a story for another time). Of all things, right? His toe is purple. He’s doing an open house instead, and I’m here for it. Anyway, the race starts in Breckinridge, so we’ll utilize our timeshare hot tub. 

So, yesterday I had a great time with my bookbabes. It’s been a while for sure so that was really nice. But it was also was 9/11. I remember that day in 2001 very well. Who doesn’t, I guess? I was at boarding school in New England and recall that a lot of kids were worried about their parents who worked in NYC. All were okay, but one teacher was on one of the planes, and that was hard for us. A lot of us had connections to The City, so it was intense, especially as we all sat together and watched the second plane hit. Realizing this wasn’t an accident was a lot for our young minds to process. Probably for adult minds, too. A horrific day, indeed, but the solidarity immediately after was unsurmountable. We could use a little of that now, don’t you think? 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I had a code of ethics class last week. We have to take them every few years for NAR (National Association of Realtors) to become realtors, which is a specific title. Essentially, realtors are held to a higher standard than other broker associates. Anyway, that went well and is a good reminder about our guidelines and best practices and to maintain integrity and professionalism, even when dealing with those who aren’t. 

I’m happy to say that I got a client under contract on a home we initially lost out on. We put in an offer and were turned down. Then, much to our surprise, the seller called us back to resubmit because something fell through with the other buyers. So we did, and we won the house! The inspection was yesterday. Now, we have to get my client’s house listed ASAP. I’ll get those photos on Friday and have it listed next week. It’s in a hot neighborhood in Arvada, so get ready! 

I had a great open house, and a couple of people were very interested. Both have caveats, though. One can’t purchase until a later date, and I haven’t heard back from the other yet. So, in the meantime, we have another showing on Friday. Come on out and see me!

The HUD listing is still underway. There’s been a few hiccups, but we’re navigating them. It’s been a two-year process, so another month won’t kill us, but let’s goooooooo!

I’m still talking with the developer and putting plans together for him. I’m hopeful for a good outcome with this project because that gig would be real nice. 

Denver Metro Real Estate Market Highlights

As we move into September, the metro Denver market is offering buyers more choices thanks to a post-Labor Day increase in new listings. This trend is giving buyers additional opportunities to explore properties.

Market Highlights:

  • Increased Inventory: While the total number of active listings stayed relatively stable over the past week, overall inventory is significantly higher compared to this time last year.

  • New Listings: There was a notable uptick in new listings following the holiday weekend, a common seasonal trend, providing more options for buyers.

  • Pending Transactions: These saw a modest rise, reflecting continued buyer interest despite challenging market conditions.

  • Sellers Open to Negotiation: Sellers are increasingly willing to negotiate, make repairs, offer concessions, and accept contingent offers, creating a favorable environment for buyers.

  • Showings: Increased activity last week, with properties spending more time on the market, allowing buyers to carefully evaluate their options.

  • Price Reductions: Slightly fewer price reductions were noted, but many homes still need price adjustments to attract buyers.

  • Odds of Selling: Remained relatively flat, though still below historical September averages, reflecting ongoing challenges in the market.

The market is showing positive signs, giving buyers more opportunities, though the current real estate cycle remains below historical trends.

Upcoming Events

  • GoldenFest- Come one, come all, and support the Golden Fire Department by purchasing a limited-edition mug FULL OF BEER! I mean, music, food, fire trucks, don’t miss out!
  • Lawless: A Fall Fashion Experience- Fashion, dance, and music unite at this fall fashion event like no other. 
  • A Night of Magic and Comedy- I don’t know about you, but I could use a break from reality, and this show checks all the boxes. 
  • 4th Annual AWAKE Festival- If you’re ready to reset and restore, this 2-day yoga and mindfulness retreat is just what your soul ordered.  

Work With Victoria

If you have any real estate related questions, are interested in having a 'no-strings' valuation done on your property, or would like to see some Colorado mountain homes, don't be afraid to reach out!