Family Time & Real Estate Transactions for the Win

Family Time & Real Estate Transactions for the Win

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 01/18/24

I’m home from my mom’s 80th in South Carolina with my sisters, and we had the best time together. A spa day, some great food, beach walks, laughs, and talks. We all agreed that it was the best visit we’ve had together. We’d love to do it more often. No kids, no husbands. Just the girls. 

And Mom’s party was a blast. All her girls were there, and putting faces to names and stories was cool. 

We all went around and told Mom what we thought of her, which was daring. Let’s be honest; that could have gone awry, but it didn’t. I told her that I admired her sense of adventure the most. I think I got mine from her. 

In other family news, my brother is considering moving here from Sweden to get his real estate license, and awesome because we could join forces. I think he’d make a great agent and be very successful, so I’m really hoping this pans out. Plus, I’d get to see my brother all the time, which is a win. 

Spring is in the air. The reason I know this is because I got a fee schedule for baseball, and, I mean, ugh. First, how can spring be reality when it’s negative a million outside? But also, baseball life is so consuming. Bridger loves it, but it’s a lot. 

The other night, I had my Zoom call with my Bali crew, which went great. There’s a bunch of us taking the coaching program, so I’ll get to see a good group of them in the near future. Obviously, looking forward to that. 

Shoutout to the Bread & Cocktail Lounge in Evergreen, where I had lunch yesterday. Man, I love that place. I ate with a few colleagues there and just, yum. You should definitely head that way if you’ve never been. 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I recently teamed up with someone in my office, and we’ll be officially helping each other when the other needs it, like when we’re on vacation or need to be in two places at once, etc. We’ll both be vested in the other’s transactions, making life easier for us and our clients.

While I was away, two listings went under contract, and they’re going well. We had an inspection yesterday on a 12,000-square-foot house; lots of boilers and all need to be replaced, but other than that, things are moving along smoothly. 

I have a land listing coming up, so as soon as the weather gets nicer (please, weather get nicer), I’ll get those pictures taken so we can get your eyes on it. 

Upcoming Events

  • Superhero Party- Dress your kids up as their favorite superhero and drop them off to save the world while you enjoy a date night!
  • Evergreen Audubon Board Annual Banquet- Head to Wild Game and enjoy some good food and quality company as you celebrate the past year. 
  • Popcorn Day!- Stop by Sterling Center for your free popcorn because it’s National Popcorn Day, and that’s a day we can get behind! 
  • Taco Tuesday- The Well is getting their Taco Tuesday on, so you should get on over and enjoy! Because tacos. Am I right? 
  • Snowshoe and Fondue in Bailey- The dynamic duo you didn’t know you needed in your life. 

Work With Victoria

If you have any real estate related questions, are interested in having a 'no-strings' valuation done on your property, or would like to see some Colorado mountain homes, don't be afraid to reach out!