The Holidays & a Holiday (for one)

The Holidays & a Holiday (for one)

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 11/30/23

I’m getting ready for a solo trip to Bali for a much-needed experience for my soul with a group of like-minded strangers. Think yoga retreat meets Survivor. I’m hyped up! I leave tomorrow and will be staying, quite literally, in the jungle until the 16th. Then I leave the jungle (and the retreat) and can do anything I want until the 22nd. I’m looking at my options. Suggestions? 

While there, I have amazing agents and assistants helping me out, so to my clients: don’t fret, you’re in great hands for those days I’ll be living the jungle life. 

Anyway, I’m concerned… that may be too harsh a word for it, but I can’t think of a better one… about the “unplugging” of it all. Know what I mean? I’ll have no internet for the first two weeks, and that’s… extreme. Manageable, but extreme. So, send the good vibes my way, please. 

Big thanks to the many who joined us for the Food Drive and Santa event at the Conifer Community Center. It was a great success! So many came out, and we got loads of food for donation. Kristan, from Art Bus studio, brought crafting supplies, and all the kids made ornaments that were then delivered to a local nursing home. 

Thanks to the Yum Bus for filling all the bellies and Suz Cookie Jar Rescue and Bakery for the free cookies! Oh, and thanks to Santa, too! 

We had a Hershey Kiss counting contest, so congratulations to Justin Payton of Bailey, who guessed 487 of 474 Kisses. He won four tickets to Hudson Gardens for the light show. Justin, get in touch with Deserie Stephenson. I’ll send you her info!

How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was great! Lots of fun with the family. It went by so quickly, though. And now, it seems like it was years ago. Time is weird. 

And tonight, we tree decorate! The boys and I cut our tree down (and by boys and I, I mean Tag) from a friend’s property and got ourselves a beauty. Can’t wait for the final product. 

Since I’m out for the next few weeks, I plan to have a guest blogger fill the void. So, stay tuned!

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I have two rather stressful transactions at the moment, and obviously, I don’t love that. But I’m trying to roll with the punches, and it certainly makes me appreciate all those lovely transactions much more. 

Get ready, folks! Lots of listings are coming up soon and into the spring! I bet a lot of agents are experiencing this, too. It should start up in January, so get your ducks in a row now if you want to buy or sell a house!

The market is expecting a strong spring. The numbers are saying the seller’s market will be good. What they aren’t talking about is how much people are racking up credit card debt. That can play a role in the housing market. I’m hopeful for the spring’s sellers’ market, but I’m anxious about the effect of credit card debt. We’ll see how it plays out together. 

Current Denver Area Real Estate Market

Thanksgiving Weekend Notably Slows the Market as People Leave Town and Spend Time with Family

The Greater Metro Denver Market slowed significantly over Thanksgiving Weekend, showing activity was down by -40.9% and pending transactions were down -33.5from the previous week.

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