Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 11/24/23

I hope you’re busy with loved ones today and enjoying many laughs, great conversations, making memories, and sharing memories. Thanksgiving should be a day to truly relax around those you care about most. 

I know everyone has their traditions, and a common one is to say what you’re thankful for. I’d like to share that I’m incredibly grateful for my wonderful, healthy family (even Kamper), a job that I love and affords me so many opportunities, my very special friend group that helps me, heals me, and sometimes haunts me. 

Thanks for being here and reading my post today. My family wishes yours a magical Thanksgiving that provides lots of leftovers, so you don’t have to cook tomorrow. 

Happy Eating, Laughing, and Sharing!

Xo, The Merchants

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