Less Stress for the WIN

Less Stress for the WIN

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 06/6/24

It’s been heaven having Adam here this summer—such busy times. Sterling is doing a reading camp that’s going well and keeps him busy, but it keeps me running around, too. Or, it would, were it not for my brother. He’s still prepping for his real estate license, so I gotta take what I can while I can. 

There’s a ten-hour adventure race coming up in Breckenridge this September. Have you heard of it? It’s a hiking, biking, and rowing event that costs $100 to participate in. Tag and I are strongly considering it. If you’ve competed in one before, I’d love to hear how it went. 

There’s one in February that lasts THREE DAYS. It’s from the west coast of Florida to the east coast of Florida, and we may give it a go. We think it’d be fun but want to test the waters with the ten-hour race first. We’re feeling confident. 

LA is calling me, too! I leave next week for my coaching course. I’ve completed two more sessions lately, and I’m turning in all the other homework this week. I also have to prepare a ten-minute talk and present it to the group. It’s all about what we’ve learned so far. I'm not super eager to do that, so I’m trying not to get in my head. 

The boys were a tremendous help this weekend. They went camping for a few days and left me home alone to get stuff done. Boys, you are always welcome to take a getaway. 

I had a little impromptu staycation-type day myself and took the kids to my friend’s neighborhood pool in Ken Caryl. Turns out, it’s open to the public for $10! Why did I not know about this?? 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

We went under contract on Tag’s grandma’s house! So she’s all good for the place she wanted in Evergreen, which just had its inspection and went very well. We have the inspection of her old place later today, but no issues are expected. 

Regarding the big house, we’ve worked through everything with minimal items to check off the list; just waiting for some septic stuff and a radon system to be set up. But those loose ends shouldn’t be a big deal, so I’m just feeling pretty darn good about it all. Especially when considering how stressed out I was last week. What a difference a few days makes, am I right? 

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