Heating Up in Italy

Heating Up in Italy

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 07/11/24

Hello! I am coming to you from Lido Island, near Venice, and I can safely say this place is incredible, and jetlag is real. There are cars and buses here, but none in Venice, making it incredibly quiet there, actually. Our Airbnb is stellar! And the food, man. It is good. Prices are pretty high, though. 

Anyway, we arrived here on Monday, with a long layover in NYC that allowed us to hit up the Big Apple for a few hours. It was fun. We saw my friend Jenn, who I met a couple years ago in Vegas, at a work event. It was a short but very sweet visit.

We went on a small group tour of Doge’s Palace and St. Mark’s Basilica the other night. It was after hours, so it was really intimate and stunning. We loved hearing about and seeing all the history. It was a super cool experience. Yesterday, we went to the Biennale 2024 art exhibit. Amazing stuff. There’s an overwhelming amount of stuff to do here, so I’ll fill you in as they get checked off our list.


My Colorado Real Estate Activity

All my walkthroughs went well before we left, so those got wrapped up, and I’m really happy about that. 

My short sale listing that is finally under contract just received short sale approval. YES! So the buyers will get the inspections next, and we hope to keep moving forward swiftly. 

My Pine listing has been shown a bunch, and there’s lots of interest, so that’s going great, too. 

And, that’s all I’ve got time for because we’ve got ourselves some sightseeing to do! 

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