Home is Where the Heart Is (& the Closings)

Home is Where the Heart Is (& the Closings)

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 06/20/24

I just got home from my California visit and coaching event. I’m exhausted, but what a trip. I’m physically and emotionally spent and super ready to get into the swing of things. It’s really awesome to be home. I missed all four of my boys (five, if you count Kamper) tremendously. 

Sterling’s arm is healing nicely. He can move it, and he’s getting by just fine. Tag was away while I was, so Adam was home with the boys and he took good care of them. We’ll all be headed to Italy soon and that’s on everyone’s real-big-deal list. We can’t wait. 

I got some actual tangible maps (yes, they still make those) of Italy in case our GPS isn’t fully functioning. And, seriously, when was the last time you used a map? It’s been a minute. Wish us luck.

I look forward to watching Bridger try to navigate it. I’m imagining his intense and confused expression right this second. 

Anyone buy a car recently? I’ve been test-driving some, which hasn’t been awful. Car buying is not my favorite, but since most of my driving will now be for work, I get to write off the vast majority of it. That’s a crowd-pleaser, for sure. It makes the look a bit more fun. 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I had the final walkthrough at the big $3M house, and we are closing today! Super excited. What a journey. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it went by fast. But, man, it was a lot. 

We're gearing up for a new listing that will go active in the next couple of weeks. The market is brimming with inventory and promising buyers. If you have a well-maintained, ready-to-move-in house, even if it’s in the multi-millions, there's a high chance of attracting interested buyers. Just like the house we’re about to close on, which received several all-cash offers.

If you have a fancy house you’re considering selling, I say, let’s do it!

We closed on Tag’s grandma’s house last week, and she’s now in her new Evergreen home. It’s great because she’s much closer to all of us now, so that’s a win.

And finally, I have my short sale listing under contract. It’s been a long time in the making. It looks like it’s going well, but until everything is signed on the dotted line, I’m still feeling the pressure. Fingers crossed, it’s all tied up with a bow before we head across the pond! 

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