Upcoming Showings & a Busy Week of Family, Friends, & Fun

Upcoming Showings & a Busy Week of Family, Friends, & Fun

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 08/24/23

Busy week! On Friday night, I went with my bestie Molly to the International Church of Cannabis. They had a light show, no cannabis consumption, but it was really funky. There were video games there and this super cool vibe. You should definitely check it out, even if it’s just for the new experience alone. After, we went to ChoLon to get some pretty lovely dumplings that had French onion soup in them. Spectacular. Do that, too. 

Then, on Saturday, I helped my client with her yard sale, which was super fun, as usual. I do love a good yard sale. But, man, it was hot! I mean, like, I couldn’t wait to get back to the mountains because it was so hot. 

On Sunday, Bridger had two baseball games, and he did great, winning both games. He pitched one inning, and he was fabulous. It was his first time pitching, and I was super impressed. Striking out 2 batters.

My sister came to visit on Monday sans her family, so we’ve gotten some good, quality time in. It’s a super short trip, but we’ve made the most of it, and I love having her here! 

The kids have finished their first full week back in school, and their bus has already been canceled for this week. Not cool. But hopefully, it will pick back up. It was back-to-school night last night, and we went to dinner with friends afterward. And, I just gotta say, I love the community up here and the consistency of my relationships with the friends who have become family. I really do love living up here. Makes all the freezing cold weather we get worth it. 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I recently met a great couple looking for a house in the mountains. Incidentally, they brought me some baked goods that were outstanding. You know me. I love a pastry or five. 

I have a bunch of showings coming up, so that’s exciting. I’ll keep you posted about those. 

And I’ll be sending out the save the dates for the scavenger hunt in Georgetown that’s coming up. Super looking forward to that, and I hope you are too! 

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Work With Victoria

If you have any real estate related questions, are interested in having a 'no-strings' valuation done on your property, or would like to see some Colorado mountain homes, don't be afraid to reach out!