End of Summer, Start of School, + Listings Aplenty

End of Summer, Start of School, + Listings Aplenty

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 08/10/23

Greece feels like a dream. It was so fast and we did so much and now it’s over. I’m so grateful to my friends, George and Teri, for all their hospitality. They took such good care of us and made sure we had the full Greek experience even though we were totally crashing their beautiful family’s vacation. I only hope I can one day return the generosity! 

I’m in Sweden now, I’ve been here for about a week, and my flight was overbooked! I was the last to check in, so they put me on standby. It was not my favorite. I got stuck in Austria for a bit, and by the time I got to Sweden, everyone was asleep, and I had to take the train into Stockholm. 

It was a lot, but I’m here. We went to the countryside for a bit but left early because the weather was pretty bad. So we went to a movie today. Transformers. It’s good! And my sister gave us a nice little tour of Skansen Zoo the other day, her favorite place ever. She doesn’t work there or anything; she just knows everything about it. But the kids have had such a great time. 

Tonight, I’m going with my brother to this fancy restaurant that serves 12 courses. I. Can’t. Wait. 

The kids start school next week, and I know everyone says it every year, but where did the summer go? How does it always fly by like this? 

My Colorado Real Estate Activity

I had a closing Friday that went great. I’m looking forward to getting home and back to work in full swing. So, more on work when I return, with lots of listings coming on!

Current Denver Area Real Estate Market

Active inventory climbs slightly in the first week of August, pending transactions are dwindling as families prepare to head back to school

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