Remember Tag’s disastrous hunting trip? Do you know the East Troublesome Creek Fire? Lemme just say it’s a good thing that the toilet got clogged and that camper wouldn’t charge. They’d have been sitting ducks. I mean, there’s some serious force out there that does not want this guy to go hunting. Clearly.
But that force does want us to invest in a yurt campground. Maybe. Here’s the story: we went to Basalt, the freaking cutest town ever. And we stayed in a yurt. So, of course, we want to have a yurt campground biz now. Maybe in Sweden? Maybe in England? Maybe here? Who knows. It’d be so cool to have a yurt campground kinda deal though, you know it’s true. We loved that there was hardly any owner-guest interaction. It was private and lovely. I think Tag and I could totally get behind this idea full-on.
We didn’t book the hot springs or anything special, but we did find a spot on the river that had hot spring water seeping in and it was free. The kids loved it. The parents loved it. I found myself in a too-hot spot at one point and that was the worst thing that happened all weekend. I’ll take it.
We also took the kids to an amusement park in Glenwood Springs and did all the rides. I almost tossed my cookies and it was sad because I used to be the amusement park queen with a belly of lead. That appears to have wanned.
I’m sure you’re wondering about the aforementioned goose. We own a goose named Lucy. Lucy Goose. She was found in a neighbor’s yard, and she’s gorgeous and she’s tiny, she’s a young one. If she lays eggs, she can stay. She’s gotta earn her keep like the rest of ‘em. The chickens had no idea what to do with her, the dog is going nuts barking at her. She’s super confident and just stares with a lot of intent. I like her. If I were a goose, I’d want to be just like her. That attitude. Love it.
Well, I waited way too long to deal with Halloween. Sterling wants to be Mario and Bridger wants to be a zombie football player because his classroom crush is gonna be a zombie softball player. I need these costumes for Saturday and I haven’t even started to look. I have a lot of anxiety just thinking about it.
Also, what’s happening for Halloween? Trick or treating? What’s going on? What’s the right move? Also, causing me anxiety.
More anxiety due to our closest friends leaving for England in less than three months. Forever (so they say). And I’m super sad. It’s gonna be sucky without them. I hope they’ll be happy but it’s a bummer! I hope they get postponed, I’m not gonna lie.
Realtor® Stuff
We officially closed Franktown. Officially. Officially. It’s over. I’m thrilled. So excited to be done with that long project, it was a lesson-learner on many fronts.
I may have a new land listing coming up in Conifer. It’s 40, beautiful acres, sitting on top of a mountain of the Richmond Hill exit of 285. It’s super nice. I’ll keep you in the know.
And I have a new listing in Ft. Lupton coming up, it was a referral from a current client. And I just got another referral from another client for a buyer in Georgetown.
Referrals are the best. Agents work so hard to get business, so when someone likes you, this is the best way to show it. Referrals are great. It’s appreciated and it’s an honor to get them.
I Gotta run, Interviewing a remote assistant today. Hope she’s awesome! Have a great week, all!
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