Well, I’m finally getting back into the swing of things, although my sleep patterns are still funky. But other than that, things are pretty routine, which is good news! Bridger’s baseball season started last weekend; they played a doubleheader Saturday and a single game Sunday and did a decent job despite losing said games. And Bridger himself did great.
I went to the first game, and Tag went to the second two games, and apparently, at one of the games, some parents were heckling our catcher (who was filling in as catcher and is a phenomenal player at his usual post). Bridger said the kid was crying in the dugout, and I’m super annoyed about this story. The kids are there to have fun, do NOT talk smack about other people’s kids who are out there doing the best they can. Seriously? Get. A. Grip.
To burn off the frustration, I started CrossFit again after about three weeks off. And, yes, it did kick my booty. But I’m into it and ready to get back to it full speed ahead. I haven’t been back since but I will. Or at least I will try.
Our office does a volunteer day every year, and we’re going to work at Sterling’s school this year. I had a successful meeting with the principal this week, and a bunch of us from my office will participate, so it should be a lot of fun.
March 20th is Sterling’s birthday (and my three years sober date), and we’re having a pool party at the rec center, which shouldn’t be horrible, but I mean, kid parties aren’t my favorite. It’s always okay once I’m there and in it, but pretty anxiety-inducing up to the day of. I do miss Africa.
My Colorado Real Estate Status
All is busy on the Colorado realtor end of things.
I had a listing appointment last week for a property in Bailey with some friends who may be interested in swapping their house for another in a warmer climate. (Can’t say I blame them for that.)
I went to Kremmling to show some land to my clients, and we ended up making an offer on it. Kremmling, though- that’s a long drive. Incidentally, straight from there, I had to go to Fort Lupton to put in an ozone machine at one of my new listings. It was a long day. It ended well, with dinner and friends, which was nice.
We took photos of the Fort Lupton property the other day, so I’m excited for you all to see it. It’s a great-looking house and it’s affordable! Highly recommend you buy it.
I also recently got a call from a lady who saw my Google reviews and wants to sell her dad’s house in Pine, so I always love that.
Some important numbers will be coming out later in the month that will give us some insight into where the interest rates are headed. With a higher unemployment rate, interest rates will be lower. That said, we’re still seeing multiple offer situations on homes that are priced right and in desirable locations. If that’s you, give me a call, and let’s sell.
How To Price Your Home For A Perfect Sale
Current Denver Area Real Estate Market
Lagging metrics in the monthly reports showing a purge of old inventory while new listings to market are flying off the shelves.
Again, this month I am frustrated by looking at the monthly numbers for closed transactions vs. my weekly report which is based on pending transactions. The numbers in the monthly reports lag behind actual pending activity by 30-45 days and our market significantly shifted in the last 2 weeks of February. It's so important to look at the weekly reports over the monthly reports.
February saw a slower start to the month with Super Bowl and President's Day Weekend back-to-back, however the weeknd following saw a major uptick in showings and pending transactions. The market continues to pick up into spring. What's nice to see is that some of the normalcy of 2013-2019 is returning where home prices continue to rise monthly and multiple offers are not as intense as they were from 2020-2022. Last month, of the closed transactions for February 28.0% of detached homes and 14.3% of attached homes on the market sold for over asking price on average of 2.8% over asking price. This in large part lead to a 4.1% increase in our detached single family average sold price to $724,543 and in attached homes a 4.2% month over month increase in average sold price to $466,176. The market continues to have hot spots and cooler spots, this map shows months of inventory by zip code. Red areas are hotter and green or blue areas are cooler than the average of 1.45 months of inventory. Inner land locked suburbs are feeling more competitive than their urban or outer ring suburb counterparts.
Back to my rant about monthly numbers vs. the weekly numbers. Median days in MLS for the month of February for closed transactions was 26 days, while when we look at pending transactions for the week of March 1st through 7th, median days in MLS was 7. The market really heated up and entered its compression phase in weekend 3 of February where we were putting more properties under contract than new listings entering the market. This compression phase will last until the end of April when inventory tends to rise and in May where buyers become distracted with Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, graduations and Memorial Day. This is truly prime listing season for sellers who want to be under contract quickly and in increasing cases with multiple offers.
Upcoming Events
- Easter Bunny Photos- Put the spring in your step and head to get some pics with the Easter Bunny!
- Childhood Cancer Awareness - Sports Memorabilia Silent Auction- Help support Mason Miller, an 8th grader at WJMS, as he battles (and seems to be beating!!) his cancer diagnosis.
- Breathe: Feel it to Heal it!. A journey into the heart.- Connect with your breath through a guided meditation and get that me-time in.
- Restorative Yoga with Carrie- Need more me-time? Get restored and rejuvenated as you work out the kinks in this yoga class.
- SKEA Limited Warehouse Sale- Get your gear for the next ski season at this event that also happens to be serving mimosas!
- Eye to Eye - Portraits of Pride, Strength, Beauty- In honor of Women’s History Month, this art gallery showcases images of pride, strength, and beauty that won’t soon be forgotten.