Sterling lost his tooth. He was terrified of this happening, so we watched videos of kids losing their teeth. Well, not so much losing them per se, but more being aggressively torn out with string, slingshots, bow, and arrows, you get it. And, yes, I’m still confident in my choice. But even after that, with the tooth barely hanging on, this kid would not let me just use my fingers and pull it out. That is until he wanted the iPad, then I bribed him as any good parent would do. So, he ended up just pulling it out himself because, hey, an iPad.
I’m getting a creative bug, so I decided to paint a mural (in stages) on my wall. It’s really relaxing, and I’m enjoying it, but the kids keep trying to cramp my style with their “help.” These kids are so great but man; they can drive a gal to drink almost. I know I should probably let them “help” and encourage their creativity, but it’ll look not good. And, c’mon, it’s a wall. It’s a big deal.
And this snow is still happening. I’m looking into Costa Rica and its permaculture community. Why not? Tag’s looking at upstate Washington, and I’m here to tell you that if that happens, he will be sans one Victoria in his life.
Obviously, I’m a bit bored with things status quo, and I need to re-establish goals and get on track with them again. We took that goal-setting class, and I need to put it to use. So, next week, let the goals begin.
Oh! I have a celebrity crush on a guy named Darin Olein. He’s a hunter of superfoods, and he’s an older gem of a man (50). He’s so smart, and I really enjoy stalking, I mean following him. He did a show with Zac Efron on Netflix called Down to Earth about being healthy. So, now I’m going to visit with a nutritionist to get a personalized diet put together, so is Tag. I’m excited to get some energy back in my life. It’s not that we eat poorly, but I know it could always be better. It’ll be good to share this stuff with the kids when they’re young too. Setting our kids up for smart eating is an important step.
Colorado Realtor® Stuff
I went under contract with a house in Conifer! We’re happy! There was a bit of a curveball, though. WiFi was the highest priority for my buyer, so we asked about it, and the sellers said it was great. But, guess what? It was only so good because they had a legacy plan with CenturyLink. New customers don’t get near the speed as legacies do. If the internet is important to you, find out about this while under contract and ask what you need to do to ensure you can get that legacy program transferred to you- it can happen, but there are some hoops. Having bad WiFi could be a deal killer. We got lucky because Neteo happens to service this area, so we got it, and the speed was way better than non-legacy Century Link.
I also went active with my new listing in Tiny Town, and we got three site-unseen offers. Three And one of them was $100,000 over the asking price. That’s big. That’s huge. That’s enticing. However, they hadn’t seen the property, so we had no way of knowing if they’d keep their offer on the table. They just wanted to snag it up in this whacked-out market.
I didn’t recommend taking this offer. You gotta be so careful because the buyers can just back straight out upon seeing the property, and at that point, you’ve lost other potential offers because no one saw the property.
And, know what happened? The buyers saw it and they walked away from it. Talk about dodging a bullet. Anyway, we went under contract on Monday, and the appraisal was yesterday (yes, crazy fast). They’re having the appraisal before the inspection, which is rare. Usually, when an inspection goes awry, that’s when you back out, but spending money on an appraisal before the inspection is a good sign for my client. It’s crazy times, so I guess they’re proving their commitment.
And we got another offer on my land listing in Conifer (that was terminated previously), and I’m feeling confident with this one! They understand what it’ll take to get the land ready for building and where’s it’s facing and all the important stuff. Feeling optimistic!
Okay, guys, have an awesome week, have an awesome Mother’s Day, have an awesome everything until we meet again!
Buyer Needs
- A vacant land lot with mature coniferous trees, 2+ acres, private, within 20 minutes (15 would be better) of civilization; $300k. Or; all of the above with a rustic mountain modern ranch home; up to $800k.
- Horse property in Conifer or Pine with nice usable land and an indoor arena or a place to put one. Up to $1.2 Million.
- An ultra-modern home in Solterra within walking distance to the clubhouse would be great. Up to $1.4 million-ish.
- A top-of-the-line, open concept kitchen, dining family room in the Highlands Ranch area. Don’t want a mansion (under 7000 square feet) but are able to do $2 million+.
- Buyer looking in Conifer, Pine, Morrison, South Evergreen area for a nice size home (2000+ square feet) with GREAT internet. Up to $625k.
- One of my best buds is looking for the impossible, (you know who you are, Lisa). Dream home in Evergreen for under $700k. Imagine the Biltmore.
- Buyer looking in Pine, Conifer, Morrison area for a rustic cabin fixer upper. Well and septic are kind of a must but we will look at anything.
- An amazing small business owner in Conifer, looking for a single-family home on a good size lot. Privacy is important, willing to fix up, must have a garage, ideally two separate living areas, and would like to be in the Conifer, Bailey, Pine, Morrison area. Around the mid $400s. No HOAs.