Halloween Is Over, the Election and the Bachelorette Are Not

Halloween Is Over, the Election and the Bachelorette Are Not

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 11/16/21


Halloween happened and it was good. Kind of normal, considering. Which was nice for my kids. And us, the adults. We played a lot of Boggle, and not to toot my own horn, but I’m a really great speller (if you know me you know this is a flat-out lie). I also make up words (not a lie).

Anyway, I’m feeling so lucky that my kids got to dress up and visit with another family because I know many didn’t. I mean, some aren’t even in school yet. I’m really fortunate.

Okay, let’s get serious for a second, The Bachelorette has started and I’m So excited This is the most dramatic season ever, I know they always say that, but this time it’s for real. I think she ends up leaving the show. Like, she likes a guy, and they leave before the show is supposed to end! Are you kidding me? I’m literally dying to see it. Incidentally, I always wondered how they make it all the way to the end of the season. Also, she’s 39, the oldest bachelorette in the history of the show. Get it, girl.

Elections, y’all. Voting is over and that’s great, but we’re all waiting (I'm)patiently to learn the news of the winner. I hope there’s no violence or rioting and all that. Maybe the longer it takes to count the votes, the better people will be able to manage their emotions. I voted, but I don’t let politics seep into my relationships. And, I always keep my personal views away from my clients. I don’t see why my or my client’s political views would need to impede on us having an amazing transaction together. We all have our own unique experiences in this life that make us the way we are and believe what we believe. And guess what, we’re allowed to feel the way we want to feel.

The only thing I’m going to say is that the property taxes we pay go toward our community and the community needs that money. So, it blows my mind that people are short-sighted regarding this specific tax sometimes. No one wants to pay them, but everyone wants to live in a nice, safe place that benefits from them. And the state of our public schools really needs some attention. By attention I mean more money, let’s make it happen. Pay your taxes. Also, the property taxes in Colorado are some of the absolute lowest in the country, perspective people!

Realtor® Stuff

My land listing is going live today and I’m excited about that. We got some stellar ariel images and drone videos taken. I had to call everyone in the neighborhood to let them know that the drone was going to be there so no one freaked out.

The land was recently fire mitigated which is a big win. And there’s gas and electricity ready to be hooked up. It’s in the Banana Belt, so the snow melts quickly. And, there’s a ton of privacy. It’s got amazing views, too. I think this land will go fast.

I’m about to close on another listing and all is going great with that. Thumbs up.

And my Ft. Lupton listing is coming up soon, they’re fixing it up first, it needs some TLC, but once it’s done, it’ll be a stunner. The location is so good.

Okay, well for the month of November, I’m going to donate $2 to first responders who lost their homes in the fires with every new follower or subscriber I get on my socials. Tell your friends! Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. The link to the GoFundMe for the firefighters is here. If you don’t want to follow me or you want to donate more to the cause please do so!

I’m off to eat some of my kids’ candy before I have to pick them up for school but remember to let kindness rule. Especially these days. It’s getting dark early and we’re under a safer-at-home advisory, friendliness is going to be essential to your mental wellbeing. See you here next week!

Before I forget, let me offer you four exciting Real Estate tools.

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