Sweden RULES

Sweden RULES

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 07/7/22

We’re in Sweden and loving it! Just did some thrifting with my step-mom and sister. Went fishing with my dad and brother yesterday. We’re now in the countryside, enjoying the peace and quiet. The city hotel was also great fun and the breakfast buffet was top notch, but country is so what I needed.

I can totally see us living here for three months a year after we retire. We could build onto my dad's existing property, which would be great. He’s made lots of improvements already (including adding a sauna- yes, please). It’s got an outdoor shower that’s really cool, too. 

My whole family is staying here, and we’ve been laughing a lot.

The only thing that’s been mildly annoying is that my bag was lost at the airport. Just mine. I took it in stride and considered it a great excuse to update my wardrobe. Then, just as we were headed out of town and to our new accommodations in the country, I got the call. Bag found and delivered to our hotel. Luckily, Tag was still nearby, so he was able to get it for me. 

This trip has been gorgeous, but I’m not gonna lie; it’ll be nice to be home and back into our routine. I’ve been busy working here, but the time difference is a bit cumbersome. I need to stay up until at least one in the morning here to get my stuff done. It’s not like that’s a real problem or anything, I feel pretty lucky to have the option.

Oh! We’ve decided to start a new family tradition (Tag, the boys, and I) of recording a journal of our lives on vacation. I can’t wait to listen back to them in the future. The little voices! So cute. 

Colorado Realtor Activity 

We just went under contract with one of my clients (also a friend). So, I wrote an offer here, sent it over, and it was accepted. Yippee! She sent earnest money (money given in good faith that you’ll be sticking with your offer) through Western Union because she was out of town too. Western Union wouldn’t let her put the title company as the recipient though. So, she made it to a title company employee’s name, and it was a bit stressful. It all ended up going through and working out, but not fun to wait and see how that would go down. 

We also had the closing yesterday on my friend’s mom’s house. She’s now on her way to Maine. Very exciting. It was a super easy process since we signed all the paperwork before I left. I was literally playing Uno and got the message that we had closed. Nice.

Our personal condo closes on the 12th, and we close on the Florida property on the 15th. It’s all coming together. If you had told me this would be the outcome four weeks ago, I would have bet you on it. We need to furnish the new place, and that’ll be really fun to do. Thoughts? Flamingos? Palm leaves? What do you think? 

I had two listing appointments last week, haven’t heard whether I got them yet, but I’m staying positive! 

Okay, so the market has slowed. It’s still a seller’s market, but houses aren’t selling as fast. Interest rates have leveled off, even gone down a bit to below 6%. Remember that that’s not horrible when compared to the norm. What we were experiencing in the recent past were crazy low rates. Buyers, you have a chance here! Take it.

Well, an Uno game is calling my name, so I’m off. Hope you’re all having a great week; see you stateside soon!

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