Take the Wins

Take the Wins

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 11/16/21


Tag and I started a new diet called Always Hungry? It was created by David and Dawn Ludwig and I actually met Dawn a couple of years ago at a party at my sister's house, so that’s kind of cool. Basically, you eat whole foods only. And it’s really not so bad. The recipes are amazing and I honestly feel full and totally satisfied. 

The first couple of weeks there’s no processed food to be had. None. Very little sugar or carbs too, which sounds harder than it is- it’s been really good. The food is delicious, I swear. And, solid bonus, it’s been fun! Tag and I do all the (tons) of prep work and shopping together and we’re enjoying it. It’s a new, very satisfying experience. 

Okay, let’s talk chickens: one chicken is producing the perfect egg, it’s a tiny egg, but it’s good and cute and I love it. But only one chicken? Seriously. We have nine. C’mon ladies, get it together.


In-person school started! yes! There’s no aftercare, so I need to stop working at 3:15 every day to pick the kids up. It’s okay because it’s certainly forcing me to be disciplined with my time. But if there’s ever something that comes up and I wanna be involved, it may be an issue. 

Speaking of school, Bridger has found something he truly enjoys reading and we. Are. Thrilled. It’s a series of books by Joe Giorello- Great Battles for Boys. Bridger’s loving it. He’s also getting really interested in war movies which is great because Tag and I like them, too, so the three of us can all finally watch movies together (keeping an eye on the violence part of course). 

And how ‘bout this insane weather? It’s lost its mind. We were at a pool party with friends over the holiday weekend and it snowed the next day. Grrr. But, Tag got some honey-dos done which is always nice, and we got to relax, too. This is great because this week is sucking work-wise…

Realtor® Stuff

It was so stressful that I google-searched “least stressful jobs”- yep, that’s how bad it was. Real Estate is so rewarding, seeing happy and excited clients is great. But when the clients aren’t happy and excited or are forced into selling or buying for a life reason, or they get that unavoidable curveball that hurts them- it’s a super-downer. I tend to take on that pain, too. I can’t detach and I get emotionally vested, so their emotions become mine. 

When my clients aren’t excited about the future, it’s hard for all of us and I’m hoping I lose some of that as I get more experience. That said, I know it’s a balancing act. And the good days are super good. Even though there was some emotional drama this week, the deals are all going through (so far) and that’s been awesome.

I’ll take the wins whenever I can, they help support the losses.

Realtorly Advice aka Real Estate Advice

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Trust your gut always. Those feelings come from your past and they mean something, so go with it!

Have a great week. Eat well, get some eggs, be happy, cook with your partner or child or cat- take the wins!


Work With Victoria

If you have any real estate related questions, are interested in having a 'no-strings' valuation done on your property, or would like to see some Colorado mountain homes, don't be afraid to reach out!