We Have Eggs! Kind Of

We Have Eggs! Kind Of

  • Victoria Merchant
  • 11/16/21


You read right. We finally got eggs! But only three. None were edible, but I feel the egg frenzy coming on. I just got the chicks a heat lamp to help them lay eggs over the winter (and keep them warm, of course). One of the eggs we just got was really soft, like a turtle egg, and Bridger was obsessed. He played with it for hours. It was pretty gross.

Speaking of gross, we had two mice caught in traps and I’m super bummed because I don’t want to think about mice in my house. But the doors are always open so I’m sure it’s unavoidable. 

Feeling the house is dirty I got a spot treatment vacuum and I love it. Although whenever I clean a spot on the carpets or sofa I have to manually clean all around the spot because of the vast difference in cleanliness and color. Bridger likes using it, so that’s a big mom-win.

We’re getting our wood beams stained by a company called JNL Construction. I’m hoping they’re good because they do it all no matter how small the job is all the way up to complete home construction. They have tons of sub-contractors I can recommend to my clients, too. 

I can’t believe it’s September already and COVID has been here for six months. How much longer is this gonna go on? It’s crazy to think about. 

School orientations were this week and Sterling is super excited. I met his teacher a year ago at CrossFit. She’s great. Sterling keeps asking if it’s time to go to school yet which makes me happy to hear. I showed up late to Bridger’s orientation, but better late than never. I’m way more responsible with work than personal and family stuff.

My birthday in Jellystone was awesome. We had great friends come for the whole weekend and other great friends that stopped by here and there. The kids had an amazing time. My mom had a blast. It was truly just great overall. 

My friends are moving to England faster than we all realized and that makes me sad. My mom may be on their coattails. And as you are well aware, my husband is pretty eager to get out of here, too. I want to ride the work wave because it’s going so well at the moment, and I love my house and my life here, I mean, things are so good right now, it’s hard to imagine leaving. Who knows how I’ll feel in a couple of months though.

Realtor® Stuff

The Victorian house in Pine is going great. The seller is selling the furniture, too, so I’m eager to see what the buyers take. It’s decorated to the nines. I’d take it all. 

There was an incident with one of my properties where well water tested fine but the water from the house had bacteria. I guess that can happen when the bacteria is in the lines, not the water. So, we need to shock treat the line, which is really no big deal. That’s the good thing about water issues, they can be serious but are usually really easy to fix so don’t let them scare you off.

My Franktown listing is all set, working great, moving forward nicely. We’re sitting pretty and waiting to close.

And, the land purchase is going well, too. We’ve got a couple of quotes for the asbestos treatment and all is looking good so far. We’re still waiting on surveyors (all of them are booked right now). The market is so hot that everyone involved in land and home selling and buying is super busy.

As for our new investment property, we’re under contract. It’s super affordable and our first one. We’ve had our inspections and we’re feeling confident with all of the minor issues that came up. One of which was to clean the ducts. Which the seller is doing for us. We’re getting them clean and sanitized to rid them of any mildew. I highly recommend sanitizing your ducts if you need to clean them anyway. Especially with COVID. If you have the virus and mildewy ducts, it won’t be a good combo. I’m no doctor, but common sense I have. 

Well, friends and neighbors, that’s all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend and be kind to one another. See you here next week!

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